Shava means corpse, and in this position we imitate the corpse – a state in which the “breath of life” has ceased and the body lies quietly without the slightest movement.
Savasana is the most important posture and one of the most demanding to practice, requiring both diligence and finesse. This is where we seal in all of the benefits of the entire asana practice.
The Practice
- Lie down on your back. Feet slightly apart, arms by your sides, palms up, fingers naturally curled in and close the eyes. Make yourself as comfortable as possible and relax the whole body.
- Allow your attention to be on the smooth, slow, serene flow of the breath. The exhale is cleansing and relaxing. The inhale is nourishing and energizing. Turn your attention inward.
- Mentally scan your body from head to toe and back again, pausing briefly to become aware of each area and to release any tension you feel there.
- Clear your mind of the past and the future, and when it wanders, simply bring it back to the breath.
- Allow your whole body to become soft and heavy, let it feel like you are melting into the earth below.
- Relax completely, focusing the mind on the breath for as long as possible, trying to be fully present with each inhale and relaxing deeper with each exhale.
- With each exhalation feel the tension leaving your body, releasing all the body’s toxins and negative energy. Make your inhalation deep, soothing and peaceful.
- From a spiritual point of view, turn your attention to the sixth ajna chakra, which is located in the area of the third eye.
- Stay here according to time available. The longer the better.
Savasana develops body awareness and mentally has a positive effect on our minds. When the body is completely relaxed, the activity of the mind increases and concentration develops. This position can calm the nervous system and promote balance in the body. The benefits of savasana also include relief of depression, relief of high blood pressure, relief of headaches, fatigue and insomnia.
The room temperature is important for this practice, as the body temperature decreases in savasana. I recommend you to wrap in a blanket and wear warm socks. To ensure greater comfort , the head can be supported by a thin pillow or towel.
Savasana is recommended to practice before sleep, during and after asana practice, such as sun salutation, and when we feel physically and mentally tired.
Savasana seems very easy, but it is one of the greatest arts.